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Sherri Jessee Hair Salon

Heart Health Cardiac CT Screening

Pierre and Yolanda Istfan

Plaque is a buildup of fat and other substances including calcium which can, over time, narrow the arteries or even close off blood flow to the heart. The result may be painful angina in the chest or a heart attack. Calcium scoring is a painless, non-invaseive, five minute scan that can evaluate a person's risk of developing heart disease. Risk Factors: males 45-75, females 55-75, high cholesterol, smoker, family history, high blood pressure, overweight. If you do not have two of the listed risk factors, please contact your primary care physician to determine if you qualify for this screening. (Twenty of these will be offered at $49 each.)


Donated by Dr. Pierre Istfan and Dr. Joe Foley

Plaque is a buildup of fat and other substances including calcium which can, over time, narrow the arteries or even close off blood flow to the heart. The result may be painful angina in the chest or a heart attack. Calcium scoring is a painless, non-invaseive, five minute scan that can evaluate a person's risk of developing heart disease. Risk Factors: males 45-75, females 55-75, high cholesterol, smoker, family history, high blood pressure, overweight. If you do not have two of the listed risk factors, please contact your primary care physician to determine if you qualify for this screening. (Twenty of these will be offered at $49 each.)


Donated by Dr. Pierre Istfan and Dr. Joe Foley

Plaque is a buildup of fat and other substances including calcium which can, over time, narrow the arteries or even close off blood flow to the heart. The result may be painful angina in the chest or a heart attack. Calcium scoring is a painless, non-invaseive, five minute scan that can evaluate a person's risk of developing heart disease. Risk Factors: males 45-75, females 55-75, high cholesterol, smoker, family history, high blood pressure, overweight. If you do not have two of the listed risk factors, please contact your primary care physician to determine if you qualify for this screening. (Twenty of these will be offered at $49 each.)


Donated by Dr. Pierre Istfan and Dr. Joe Foley

Wine Pull Tickets

Anonymous Donor